Wednesday, March 19, 2014

2.4 Crazy Clothing

In this section, we'll be exploring about how the design of Finn's character evolved throughout the pre-production process. The production's take on character design would be more on getting the right shape and composition of the characters while dressing them crazy but fashionable and catchy clothes. For the main protagonist Finn, pointy shapes and stick like figures were used for his design composition accompanied with asylum/goth inspired costumes. The mixture of eastern and western fashion also influenced his all-in-all look to emphasize him being a Korean-British descent.  

One of the early stages of Finn's character design. 

To further explore the boundaries of what can happen with Finn during his out-of-his-mind adventures, extreme costumes inspired from different media were also considered.

These designs may look closer to the final look of the character but it was decided then that  having too much stripes would be confusing to animate and that pushing the design with more non-symmetrical cuts would do more justice to the 'crazy' statement that Finn's clothing should sport. 

Finally, here are 4 animatable versions out of 12 character designs for Finn which were used in the film.

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